Chaffey College

When submitting to The Chaffey Review, please adhere to the following requirements:

Written Submissions:
All manuscripts must be typed and double spaced.
Text should be 12 point Times New Roman in black ink with 1" margins.
Each poetry submission must be on a separate page.
First page must be numbered with author's name, title of work, and genre.
Prose entries are subject to a 10 page maximum. Poetry is subject to a 5 pages.
Submissions need to be .doc, .rtf, or .pdf.

Art Submissions:
Photography, drawings, paintings, or digital art pieces MUST be submitted as a high resolution .pdf, .jpeg, or .tif.
Include artist name, media, and materials used.

Music Submissions:
All tracks must be iTunes compatible. Include the following in the Track information: Track Name, 
Artist Name, Album Name.

Please include a writers bio, 100 words, 3rd person to be published along with your piece if accepted.
Visual and musicians include an artist statement, 100 words, 1st person to be published along with your piece if accepted.
Chaffey College